European Elections in Slovakia: An analysis

European Elections in Slovakia: An analysis

European Elections 2024 in Slovakia Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Last week, the European Union has held the European elections. Voters in every single member state voted for their representatives in the European Parliament, the first country to open the polling station was the Netherlands, on Thursday, and the last polling station closed in Italy on Sunday.
In Slovakia, the elections were held on Saturday. Voting is not mandatory in the Slovak Republic, in fact the low turnout is one of the issues of European elections in Slovakia - in 2019, and it was the country with lowest turnout out of all EU countries with a little less than 23 percent of voters turning up.

This year’s European elections, however, have attracted the highest number of Slovak voters since the accession of Slovakia to the EU 20 years ago, with 34 percent of eligible voters turning up.

The European Parliament elections in Slovakia were won by the Progressive Slovakia party on 27.81 percent of the votes, the second most successful party was Smer, one of the coalition parties. We asked representatives of both parties for their comments.

Progressive Slovakia and Smer - Social Democracy were followed by the Republika party, having 2 seats, and Hlas - Voice - and Christian Democratic KDH - with one seat each.

Martin Bednárik, Ben Pascoe

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