The future of Police Chief uncertain

The future of Police Chief uncertain

Politicians of the governing coalition have divergent opinions on whether Police Corps President Milan Lučanský should step down from his post. For the People vice-chair Veronika Remišová thinks that if Lučanský voluntarily resigned from the post of police chief, this would deal with a number of problems at once. In her opinion, it's of paramount importance to have a police leadership that inspires public trust and commands at least a basic level of confidence from the Government. As the Government plans to "cleanse the police of mafia structures", it would be suitable to have someone of indisputable moral integrity at the helm. Remišová noted that Lučanský was head of police internal affairs for a long time, but he "failed to investigate any big police corruption cases or crimes committed among the ranks of the police". He also landed the job under "the Smer-SD government's political camouflage" in the period following the murders of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée, and the police under his watch have yet to shed any light on the inroads that the mafia made into its structures or on the kidnapping of a Vietnamese national. "Therefore, I for one don't think his continued tenure is the best solution for the country," she added.

Speaker of Parliament and We Are Family leader Boris Kollar is convinced that the Police Corps president shouldn't step down under pressure. "And it wouldn't be ok if no agreement on such an important issue had been concluded within the coalition first," he stated. Meanwhile, the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party is leaving their final say up to Interior Minister Roman Mikulec (OLaNO).

"In light of the Government Manifesto, Mr. Lučanský must be aware of the aims and intentions that this coalition has in the context of the upcoming reform of the Police Corps, and it remains to be seen whether he is capable of subscribing to them. If he has reservations, I would welcome it if he were to exercise his powers of self-reflection and reconsider his tenure," said Parliament's defence committee chair Juraj Krupa (OLaNO).

The Government plans to revise the rules governing the appointment and ouster of the Police Corps president. In a recent interview given to the daily tabloid Nový Čas , Milan Lučanský intimated that he's entertaining his resignation.

Anca Dragu, Photo: TASR

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