Comenius University: PM's thesis should not have been defended

Comenius University: PM's thesis should not have been defended

The board of Comenius University (UK) in Bratislava has concurred with dean of the Management Faculty Michal Greguš that Prime Minister Igor Matovič's (OLaNO) diploma thesis doesn't meet the basic criteria, and that it didn't meet them even in 1998 when Matovič defended the work at the faculty, the university has stated on its webpage. Nevertheless, the representatives agreed that plagiarism is a problem that plagues academia all around the world and no academic institution is immune against it. "The university has thus closed the issue," reads the statement. According to an analysis by Denník N daily, 76 out of the 79 pages of the PM's thesis were copied word-for-word from two publications.

Anca Dragu, Photo: TASR

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