No Slovak casualties in massive blast at Beirut Port

No Slovak casualties in massive blast at Beirut Port

No Slovaks were among those killed or injured in a massive blast in the port area of Beirut that claimed the lives of more than 100 people and injured thousands of others on Tuesday. "From the information we currently have, it doesn't appear that any Slovak citizens were among those killed or injured. We're in constant contact with the local authorities, however," said Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Ministry press department director Juraj Tomaga on Wednesday.

Beirut has been declared a disaster site by the Lebanese authorities, with President Michel Aoun proposing the introduction of a state of emergency in the country's capital for two weeks. It appears that the explosion might have been caused by a fire in a warehouse of ammonium nitrate that wasn't properly secured.

Romana Grajcarová Foto: TASR

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