Slovak firefighters en route to Greece to help fight fires

Slovak firefighters en route to Greece to help fight fires

Slovakia sent 75 firefighters with 30 pieces of equipment to Greece on Sunday morning to help put out extensive forest fires, Interior Minister Roman Mikulec (OLaNO) announced on the same day. The firefighters hail from eastern, central and western Slovakia. "I strongly appreciate the fact that the firefighters mobilised in less than 24 hours and are on their way to locations hit by fires even as we speak," stated Mikulec. Slovak Ambassador to Greece Iveta Hricova stated that the Greek side highly appreciates Slovakia's aid and perceives it as a great gesture of solidarity.

The situation in Greece continues to deteriorate, with hundreds of tourists and local inhabitants evacuated. The forest fires have been burning for twelve days and claimed two lives already.

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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