Military Intelligence saw increase in transfer of threats to cyberspace

Military Intelligence saw increase in transfer of threats to cyberspace

The Military Intelligence in 2020 saw an increasing trend in the transfer of threats to the information cyberspace, intercepting more frequent and intensified cyber-attacks and influential operations aimed at polarising society and weakening the legitimacy of state institutions, including in connection with the anti-pandemic measures. This stems from the report on the fulfilment of the tasks of the Military Intelligence in 2020, which Parliament approved on Wednesday. The report further states an increase in the activities of foreign intelligence services in Slovakia, while in 2020 these concerned mainly Russia's and China's intelligence services. It was an effort to increase the influence and undermine confidence in Slovakia's political system and credibility towards the EU and NATO, or to gain contacts and penetrate the Defence Ministry in order to obtain classified information.

Zuzana Botiková, Photo: Flickr/Yuri Samoilov

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