Legendary Slovak film director Juraj Jakubisko passes

Legendary Slovak film director Juraj Jakubisko passes

On Saturday, February 25th, one of the greatest Slovak film directors, Juraj Jakubisko, passed away at the age of 84. For Jakubisko, filmmaking was a mission. In an interview for Film.sk on the occasion of his 80th birthday, he said: “Film and its means of expression, for me, is an endless process of creation, which must be creative from the first moment to the end, in all its components, because it is a synthetic art. I work on each of my films to the very last moment, until it is forcibly taken out of my hands."

Jakubisko became famous for films such as Tisícročná včela (Thousand-Year-Old Bee, 1983), Nevera po slovensky (Infidelity in Slovak, 1980), Sedím na konári a je mi dobre (I'm Sitting on a Branch and I'm Fine, 1989), but also, for example, for the historical film Bathory (2008) and the fairy tale Perinbaba (1985).

Source: TASR

Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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