President Caputova sends condolences to Hungary over D2 highway crash

President Caputova sends condolences to Hungary over D2 highway crash

President Zuzana Caputova sent a letter of condolence to her Hungarian counterpart Katalin Novak over a collision between a lorry and bus on the Slovak D2 highway that resulted in one death and 59 injured, many of whom were Hungarians, TASR learnt from Lukas Laczko of the President's Office press department on Monday. "It was with deep sadness that the President learnt the news of the tragic accident that claimed one human life and has left many injured. On behalf of the Slovak people and also in her name, she sent her sympathies to Hungary, particularly to the bereaved, and wished speedy recovery to the injured," stated Laczko. Earlier on Monday, a lorry collided with a bus on the D2 highway in the direction of Kuty (Trnava region).

One person perished in the crash and 59 suffered injuries of various severity. No alcohol was detected on the breath of the drivers involved in the collision, Bratislava regional police spokesperson Jana Simunkova reported on Monday. The cause of the incident is being investigated by the police. "The breathalyser tests to determine the presence of alcohol in the drivers' systems were concluded with negative results," stated Simunkova and recommended motorists to avoid the crash site by taking exit ramps off the D2 highway already in Lamac borough of Bratislava. More than 30 firefighters were summoned to the crash site, as well as psychologists. The Bratislava University Hospital activated its traumatological plan over the accident.

Source: TASR

Marianna Palková, Photo: TASR

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