The arrival of the Volvo car company in the Valalika industrial park will require investments of 30 million euros in the Košice region. The biggest item should be road development and maintenance. After Monday's (May 15) joint working meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and the company Valaliky Industry Park, the Košice Self-governing Region (KSK) informed on its website.
KSK reminds that by 2027, before the automaker starts the planned production of electronic cars in Valaliki in the district of Košice-okolie, the region, cities and municipalities need to fulfill several conditions. "3,300 people will find work at the factory in Valaliki, while more than 10,000 new jobs can be created in the east of Slovakia at its subcontractors. Among other things, this means that we need to prepare for increased demands on the transport infrastructure as such, we have obligations in the field of public transport, education, healthcare, rental housing and regional development," said KSK Chairman Rastislav Trnka.
According to him, KSK has 18 specific commitments. The biggest, 12 million euros, will be needed for road development and maintenance. Another 11 million euros are to be requested for public passenger transport, including bicycle transport, and six million euros are to go to education. The region adds that it has already met several demands of the Swedish investor. "The county has provided anti-corruption training for employees, it is also active in issuing the required opinions and taking measures in the field of education. Currently, a proposal for changes and additions to the territorial plan has been submitted for approval.
The county also goes beyond the requirements to create capacities for rental housing," he states. In the coming weeks, the Ministry of Economy, in cooperation with local governments, is to prepare a list of specific proposals that will determine who and from what sources should finance the individual investments that are called for.
Valaliky Industrial Park is to be the seat of modern sustainable production plants. Volvo is a strategic investor. Construction of the EUR 1.2 billion plant in Valaliki started in February.