EU promised to extend import ban on four Ukrainian farm commodities

EU promised to extend import ban on four Ukrainian farm commodities

The situation in farm commodities imported from Ukraine to the single EU market dominated the discussion at the meeting of the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels on Tuesday, caretaker Agriculture Minister Jozef Bires has confirmed for TASR.

The European Commission (EC) has concluded an agreement with five EU countries neighbouring with Ukraine (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) that they won't import four farm commodities (wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower seeds) from Ukraine until June 5, as these imports were deforming the situation on their domestic markets and damaging local farmers. Bires pointed to the fact that the above five countries have a promise from Brussels that the import ban on these commodities will be extended either until October, or until the end of the year.

"The European Commission has yet to decide on it, but there's the promise, which is important for Slovakia and other neighbouring countries. However, this is not the only tool to address import of farm commodities from Ukraine," stated Bires.

He explained that the countries concerned also require financial support from the EU. The Commission has promised farmers from the above five countries a financial compensation scheme in the amount of €100 million.

Bires admitted that no proposals regarding extension of the list of four "banned" commodities by other goods were made in Brussels on Tuesday. Only he pointed out, on behalf of Slovakia, that the import of cheap eggs, honey and poultry meat from Ukraine is also a big problem, and that's why Slovakia wants this situation to be addressed as well. However, this also depends on the decision of the European Commission, he added.

Source: TASR

Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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