International Children's Day should be a day out of the ordinary

International Children's Day should be a day out of the ordinary

On June 1, International Children's Day is celebrated in more than 20 countries around the world, including Bulgaria, China, the Czech Republic and Latvia. In Czechoslovakia, subsequently Slovakia, it has been observed since 1952. "The first of June is a day when children know that they will not be tested at school, or that some pleasant celebration, a surprise, something special awaits them, something that makes this day different from an ordinary day, a routine. That is the charm of this date, and that is how I perceived it as a child," Zuzana Liptakova, director of the BIBIANA International House of Art for Children, told the TASR news agency. Children under the age of 14 make up less than 16 per cent of the total population of Slovakia. At the time of the 2021 population census, there were more than 867,000 of them.

Source: TASR

Zuzana Botiková, Photo: TASR

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