Scientists can apply to finance projects in Slovakia

Scientists can apply to finance projects in Slovakia

The Slovak Academy of Sciences announced the call to submit applications under the Impulse 2023 grant. It's the third time that the Impulse grant has been made available, and scientists from all over the world can apply to finance their projects in Slovakia. The chosen projects can receive up to €160,000 annually. Those interested have until August 31 to apply for a grant, while financing of the chosen projects should start in April 2024. The Impulse programme is supposed to enrich academy's scientific organisations with internationally recognised scientists and young science researchers from Slovakia or abroad. "The task of these excellent scientists is to create and run their own research groups to work on projects in harmony with global trends. The fund offers exceptional scientists incentives to work on their projects, which then helps the Academy of Sciences to enrich the Slovak scientific field," stated the Academy.

Source: TASR

Zuzana Botikova; Photo: TASR

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