Slovakia among seven EU countries not supporting e-cars purchases

Slovakia among seven EU countries not supporting e-cars purchases

Slovakia is one of seven European Union (EU) countries that do not provide any financial incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles. The list of remaining countries includes Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Sweden and Sweden. The remaining 20 Member States offer different forms of incentives for the purchase of electric cars.
These vary considerably. Hungary, for example, has a split of support according to the price of the vehicle, €7 350 for an electric car with a price of up to €32 thousand and €1 500 if the price is between €32 and €44 thousand. Estonia will support the purchase of a new electric car with EUR 5 000 per vehicle for a private individual and EUR 4 000 per vehicle for a legal entity.
Support for the purchase of low-emission vehicles could also be a reality in Slovakia. It is foreseen in the government-approved Action Plan for the Development of Electromobility. The key parameter of this measure is to ensure a long-term source of financing for at least three years, with an annual indicative allocation of EUR 10-12 million.
According to the Slovak Economy Ministry, one-off financial support, as was the case with the 2016 and 2019 subsidies for the purchase of electric vehicles, have helped only a small number of users.

Source: TASR

Mojmír Procházka, Photo: TASR

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