President hands credentials to four new ambassadors

President hands credentials to four new ambassadors

President Zuzana Caputova on Wednesday handed over credentials to four new Slovak ambassadors. Igor Slobodnik will head the Slovak diplomatic mission in Denmark. Dusan Kristofik will be in charge of diplomatic affairs in Finland and Estonia. Matus Busovsky will go to Georgia. As for Tomas Ferko, he'll represent Slovakia in Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, East Timor, Malaysia, Brunei and Papua New Guinea. The President expects the ambassador to Denmark to succeed in deepening mutual cooperation in the areas of green transition or social security.

At the same time, she noted that bilateral contacts with Finland will be even more intensive thanks to Finland's recent accession to NATO. According to Caputova, Slovakia supports Georgia's Euro-Atlantic aspirations and advocates respect for international law and the territorial integrity of the country. The President also noted that the mission to Indonesia begins at a very important time. According to her, the geopolitical and economic importance of the Southeast Asian region is becoming the key to future global developments.

Source: TASR

Marianna Palková, Photo: TASR

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