Woman accused of terrorism released from custody

Woman accused of terrorism released from custody

A Slovak woman accused of terrorism, Renata D., was released from custody on Monday. The decision was made by the Specialised Criminal Court (SCC) in Banská Bystrica. The decision is not final, her lawyer Rastislav Urbáni confirmed. The restrictions imposed on her include a ban on travelling abroad and the obligation to surrender her passport. Her whereabouts will be monitored by technical equipment. She was repatriated from Iraq to Slovakia and subsequently charged with terrorism in February.

Renata D. was charged with supporting a terrorist group, war crimes and endangering the moral education of young people. According to the prosecution, she travelled to Syria with her two children at the turn of 2014 and 2015 to join her husband, a doctor by trade and a fighter in the service of the Islamic State. She did so despite the risk of exposing her children to the dangers of the then ongoing Syrian civil war and the arbitrary rule of the Islamic State in the country. While in Syria, she and her husband allegedly raised their children in the ideology of radical Islam.

Source: RTVS, TASR

Marianna Palková, Photo: TASR

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