About a quarter, 25.9 percent, of voters are not yet definitively decided on which parties they will vote for in September's parliamentary election, according to data collected by the 'How Are You, Slovakia?' survey. Smer-SD and 'Republic' parties have the fewest hesitating sympathisers whereas potential voters of Christian Democrats (KDH) and 'We Are Family' are the most dithering. "Less than four weeks away from the election, we still see a large scope for voter transfers and fluctuating polls. About one quarter of the respondents who declare that they will vote say that they're not yet fully decided on which party to support," said Miloslav Bahna of the Slovak Academy of Science's (SAV) Institute of Sociology. The survey was carried out in August 30-September 6, on a sample of 1,000 respondents, by the MNFORCE survey agency in collaboration with the SAV Institute of Sociology and Institute of Social Communication.
Source: TASR
Polls: 25% of voters undecided
12. 09. 2023 16:05 | News
Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR