President meets leaders of political parties

President meets leaders of political parties

Robert Fico, leader of the winning Smer-SSD party, has been given a mandate to form a coalition government. Robert Fico has 14 days to do so. Fico made the announcement on Monday (the 2nd of October) after a meeting with President Zuzana Caputova. The head of state also met with the leader of the Progresivne Slovensko, Michal Simecka. On Tuesday the 3rd of October, she will meet Peter Pellegrini, leader of the Hlas-SD party and KDH leader Milan Majersky. A total of six parties and movements and one coalition entered parliament. Smer-SSD won with almost 23 percent of the vote, giving it 42 seats in the National Council of the Slovak Republic. President Caputova underlined that the election was democratic and legal and thanked the voters for the high turnout. She also called for mutual respect between people. Caputova believes that the election results wouldn't change Slovakia's values.

Source: TASR, RTVS

Marianna Palková, Photo: TASR

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