PM met Russian and US ambassadors

PM met Russian and US ambassadors

According to PM Robert Fico, Slovak membership in EU and NATO influence our foreign policy priorities, but cannot limit us in sovereign attitudes. Fico said this after meeting American ambassador Gautam Rana and Russian ambassador Igor Bratchikov. The US Embassy thanked Fico for continuing support of Ukraine. Russian Embassy briefly informs about meeting with Fico saying the bilateral relations between Slovakia and Russia were discussed. Former Foreign Minister Pavol Demeš says that Fico´s pre-elections rhetoric on Ukraine has changed. According to Demeš, this is evidenced, for example, by the meeting of Foreign Minister Juraj Blanár with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister. Demeš doesn´t think Slovakia will be in international isolation for the upcoming four years.

Source: RTVS

Patrícia Arpášová, Photo: TASR

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