Foreign Affairs Minister in Budapest

Foreign Affairs Minister in Budapest

Slovakia rejects all kinds of compulsory migrant quotas and related financial compensation from the European Union, Slovak Foreign Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar said at a meeting with his Hungarian counterpart Peter Szijjarto in Budapest on Wednesday, TASR's correspondent in the Hungarian capital has learnt.

Blanar called agreements to this effect unacceptable, stressing that Slovakia is returning to flexible solidarity, for instance, by helping to protect Hungary's southern border.

"We would like to help protect the Schengen borders, as the system isn't working now and we need to do something about it. But the solution that the European Union is proposing certainly isn't good," remarked the Slovak minister.

Regarding the war in Ukraine, Blanar noted that there is no military solution to the conflict and that is why Slovakia will be even more vocal in demanding peace. The head of Slovak diplomacy pointed out that the new Slovak government has ceased military aid for Ukraine and will only provide its neighbour with humanitarian support.        

"Peace and ceasefire are the best solutions. We support any peace initiative that can be agreed on," stressed the minister.

Slovakia, Blanar said, rejects any sanctions that have a more serious negative impact on those who impose them than on those they are intended for. "We won't support any package of sanctions, whether against Russia or any other country, if it would have a negative impact on the economy and living standards in our country," he added, noting that Slovakia rejects any attempt to strip Hungary of its EU presidency next year.

Meanwhile, Szijjarto said that relations between Hungary and Slovakia have never been as good as they are today and further development of bilateral relations is in the interest of both countries. According to him, the governments in Budapest and Bratislava have similar perceptions of the serious challenges faced by the world and the responses to them. To give an example, Szijjarto noted that both Hungary and Slovakia want peace in Ukraine and agree that the solution to the conflict can't be reached on the battlefield.

The head of Hungarian diplomacy stressed that it's in Hungary's national interest to have the best possible cooperation with Slovakia, adding that Budapest is preparing for Slovak Premier Robert Fico's visit to Hungary next year with great excitement and anticipation.


Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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