Slovakia will condemn use of North Korean missiles in Ukraine only after proof

Slovakia will condemn use of North Korean missiles in Ukraine only after proof

If it is proved that Russia used ballistic missiles from North Korea in Ukraine, then the Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Ministry will condemn it as a gross violation of the UN resolution, chief of Slovak diplomacy Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) stated at a special session of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday.

The session was initiated by MP Tomas Valasek (Progressive Slovakia), according to whom Minister Blanar has tarnished the prestige of Slovakia and damaged its interests.

Blanar reiterated that no evidence exists about the deployment of North Korean rockets in the attack on Ukraine. "Therefore, we've been forced to wait until such evidence is submitted to our disposal," he said, adding that the ministry condemns attacks against civilian targets and the violation of the international law by Russia.

Slovakia also condemns transfers of ammunition from North Korea to Russia. "We asked our partners to show us evidence. As soon as it becomes clear... Slovakia is on the side of the international law," Blanar told journalists after the session.

Valasek rejected Blanar's argument about the lack of evidence regarding the supplies of North Korean missiles, pointing out that South Korea reported about the supplies back in November and the US Government in early 2024.

"The overwhelming majority of free countries have considered this information alarming enough to strongly condemn activities of the Russian and North Korean dictators," claimed Valasek. He added that Blanar only reiterated his earlier arguments and thus squandered the opportunity to explain himself at the session. All the Minister does is missteer Slovakia into international isolation.

Last week, the United States together with their partners condemned weapon transfers between North Korea and Russia, including the use of North Korean ballistic missiles on Ukraine at the turn of the year. The statement was signed by almost 50 countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, and all EU states except Slovakia and Hungary.


Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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