No vote on Culture minister

No vote on Culture minister

Parliament did not discuss a no-confidence vote in Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova. There were not enough representatives in the building at 09:30, and the minister herself was traveling. The debate was rescheduled for tomorrow morning at 8 am.

The opposition has no confidence in her because she wants cultural cooperation with Russia and Belarus, and does not communicate properly with the cultural institutions.

Zora Jaurová of the Progressive Slovakia party said all but three of her party were present. She blamed the lack of a quorum on the coalition parties, who stayed away, she said.
She was irritated by the fact that the Chairman of parliament chose a day to debate the minister when he knew she was travelling abroad.

Jozef Hajko of the Christian Democrat KDH party, also in opposition, said some of his representatives were away on duty in the regions.

"The date of the meeting was deliberately called so that it would turn out like this," he thinks.
Peter Žiga of the Hlas coalition party said the speaker of the parliament does not have many options in terms of the rules of procedure.

“He has to call a meeting within seven days," he said. Monday was the only free day when there was no program planned in the parliament.


Michiel Bicker Caarten, Photo: TASR

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