Fico worried about Western support for Ukraine

Fico worried about Western support for Ukraine

Prime Minister Robert Fico has called a meeting this morning with his government to prepare for a summit in Paris later today. EU and NATO members are meeting to coordinate policies on Ukraine.
"The information about the topics we are supposed to talk about on Monday sends chills down my spine,“ said Fico. He says the West has only two options: further escalation of tensions and military support for Ukraine, or present a meaningful peace plan.
The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party called the meeting a cynical effort to divert attention away from the government's controversial amendment to the Penal Code.
"Robert Fico is making up conspiracy theories and abusing the issue of the war in Ukraine only to cover up problems and failures of his own government," said vice-chairman Branislav Groehling. (TASR)

Michiel Bicker Caarten, Photo: TASR

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