Foreign media talking about pro-Russia candidate winning

Foreign media talking about pro-Russia candidate winning

Foreign media reporting about Slovak presidential elections describe winner Peter Pellegrini as a populist and pro-Russia candidate.

Reuters news agency wrote that Slovak nationalist-left government candidate Peter Pellegrini won the country's presidential election on Saturday, cementing the grip of pro-Russian Prime Minister Róbert Fico over the country.

The Guardian described Pellegrini as Ukraine sceptic government ally who beat pro-Western Ivan Korčok.

According to the New York Times, voters in Slovakia on Saturday strengthened the grip of Russia-friendly political forces in Central Europe, handing victory in a presidential election to a candidate who opposes providing military and financial aid to Ukraine.

Last but not least, Politico underlined the fact that the victory of Peter Pellegrini gives the ruling coalition total control over the executive and legislative branches in Bratislava.

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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