Parliamentary Vice-chair to discuss EU policies at Conference of Presidents of EP

Parliamentary Vice-chair to discuss EU policies at Conference of Presidents of EP

Parliamentary Vice-chair Peter Žiga (Hlas-SD), who has been temporarily entrusted with the powers of the House chair, travelled to Spain on Sunday to attend the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament in Mallorca.

The official programme of the conference is divided into two parts. The first part on Monday (April 22) will focus on the EU's strategic autonomy in the context of new challenges for liberal democracies in the age of social networks and artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on foreign and defence policy.

On Tuesday (April 23), the central theme of the conference will be the strengthening of the European Union from an economic point of view. This will focus in particular on the EU's new fiscal rules, the strengthening of the Economic and Monetary Union in the context of its prospective enlargement, but also on social rights, environmental challenges and climate change.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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