More than 3.5 million euros have already been collected for ammunition for Ukraine

More than 3.5 million euros have already been collected for ammunition for Ukraine

More than 3.5 million euros have already been collected in Slovakia for ammunition for Ukraine. More than 54,000 donors participated in the civic collection "Ammunition for Ukraine - If the governement won’t send, we will" in eight days. The initiators want to continue the collection as long as it is absolutely necessary. This follows from information published on the website of the collection and presented at Tuesday's press conference.

"Our main goal at the time was for Slovakia to join the initiative, which was already clear at that moment that it would be a big deal," Fedor Blaščák, one of the initiators, explained the motivation behind the creation of the collection. According to him, the attitude of the Slovak government, which did not join the Czech initiative, made no political or social sense, as it does not prevent commercial deliveries to Ukraine.

Through the initiative, according to Blaščák, the donors contributed to the good name of the Slovak Republic around the world. He emphasized that, first of all, we help ourselves. According to him, the amount of the Slovak contribution has already exceeded the contributions of some countries. He pointed out that the report about the Slovak civic fundraiser is being circulated in the world media. The organizers also received a letter signed by 30 personalities from Ukrainian social and cultural life.

Ambassador of Ukraine to the Slovak Republic Myroslav Kastran thanked the fundraiser organizers and everyone who participated in it. "The initiative of the government of the Czech Republic and the immediate reaction to it on the part of Slovak society became a clear proof of your understanding of the new reality," he concluded.

Zuzana Izsáková from the civil association Mier Ukraine, who is the leader of the initiative, called participation in the collection a "Slovak national mission". "Slovaks gave an answer to the government that we must help Ukraine in all possible ways, selflessly and quickly, that's why we don't stop and continue," she declared.

Dodo Dobrík from the Gift for Putin project announced that in the next few days they will provide details of the survey, which they are implementing in cooperation with the Czech Ministry of Defense and the Ukrainian Embassy. Subsequently, the purchase of ammunition will be carried out in cooperation with these components.


Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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