Slovak Central Bank analysts find economic benefits of EU membership considerable

Slovak Central Bank analysts find economic benefits of EU membership considerable

Economic benefits of EU membership are considerable for Slovakia, as the EU integration yields an additional wealth of €4,000 per average citizen and about €16,000 per four-member household over the span of five years. But one-third of this contribution to wealth depends on the efficiency of how the available resources are put to use in the economy, analysts of the Slovak Central Bank (NBS) stated in their study dedicated to the upcoming 20th anniversary of Slovakia's membership in the EU. Analysts of the NBS focused on three main sources of EU benefits: the drawing of direct payments, the membership's effects on the financing of the public debt and its costs, and the international trade as well as the added value created by Slovakia's deep integration in the EU's trade relations.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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