RTVS board believes that management could have reduced economic loss

RTVS board believes that management could have reduced economic loss

The RTVS board stated on Monday that management could have been able to prevent or minimize the reported economic loss for the year 2023. RTVS defends itself, saying, that by taking effective measures it was able to significantly reduce the planned accounting loss for 2023 and achieved a surplus in the comparison of expenses and income.

According to the approved financial statements for the year 2023, RTVS achieved a loss of over 2.3 million euros. A member of the supervisory committee of the board, Tatiana Strempeková Tomanová, also reminded the standpoint of the auditor of the financial statements that was presented at the last meeting of the board on April 15th, according to which a significant factor in the accounting loss is personal expenses and their increase compared to 2022 by more than 7 million euros.


Martina Greňová Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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