While support for the EU and NATO continues, perception of Russia as a threat declines

While support for the EU and NATO continues, perception of Russia as a threat declines

In Slovakia, support for the European Union and NATO continues and trust in the Slovak government is growing. However, the perception of Russia as a threat is declining and Slovaks still believe the disinformation spread by domestic and foreign actors. These are the results of the latest survey presented by the Globsec think-tank.

When it comes to democracy and key values, 80% think that a democratic system based on equality, human rights and freedoms is good for Slovakia. However, 36% of Slovaks say the same about a totalitarian system.

Moreover, while around 70% of Slovaks support Slovakia's membership of the European Union and NATO, 66% of Slovaks also think that the EU is dictating something without Slovakia having any chance to influence it.

Disinformation and hate campaigns against non-profit organisations also resonate in Slovakia. As many as 38% of Slovaks agree that non-profits are so-called foreign agents, and only 51% perceive their importance to society.

On the question of who bears primary responsibility for the war in Ukraine, for the second year in a row only 40% of Slovaks think it is Russia. Some 51% blame the West or Ukraine itself. Nevertheless, Russia ranks first as a security threat to Slovakia.

RTVS, Anna Lačoková

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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