Eleven EU countries sign declaration to keep EU funds going beyond 2027

Eleven EU countries sign declaration to keep EU funds going beyond 2027

Eleven representatives of EU member states signed a declaration on Tuesday on the future of cohesion policy after 2027 to ensure that EU funds continue beyond this period.

Slovakia was represented at the meeting by Investments, Regional Development and Informatisation Minister Richard Rasi (Hlas-SD). According to EU Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform Elisa Ferreira, the so-called cohesion policy is crucial in the functioning of the EU.

"In the EU, there are trends in some countries for the EU funds as such to no longer continue. (...) Today a strong signal was sent to the EU that these 11 countries want to continue the EU funds and we'll do everything to make this policy flexible, that is, to respond to what we really need," the Slovak minister told TASR following the meeting, adding that there is a big assumption that if these 11 countries fight, the EU funds will continue.

Ministers from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia discussed the future of cohesion policy after 2027 in Prague. 


Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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