EC accepts spending limits of Slovak recovery plan

EC accepts spending limits of Slovak recovery plan

Finance Minister Ladislav Kamenicky (Smer-SD) used his participation in the two-day meeting of euro area and EU finance ministers in Brussels to meet with representatives of the European Commission (EC) and to clarify the situation regarding the spending limits that the Slovak government is pushing for in the national recovery and resilience plan, TASR learnt on Tuesday.

The minister pointed out that he used his stay in Brussels to meet with European Commission Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue Valdis Dombrovskis, and European Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni.

Kamenicky stated that they are commissioners responsible for the spending limits. He informed them about how the Slovak government will implement the spending limits and that they will receive a letter in a day or two stating that Slovakia had fulfilled the necessary requirements.

"I see no reason for the fourth payment under the recovery plan to be withheld any further and I firmly believe that it'll be released as soon as possible. Both the European Commission and the Commissioners have expressed their satisfaction that we've resolved this very quickly, also on the basis of what we've agreed with the technical staff of the European Commission," he said.

Kamenicky specified in this context that it was important that these proposals were passed in the Slovak Parliament, and therefore it was carried out via a fast-tracked legislative procedure. The drafts have also passed their second and third reading, which means the entire legislative process.

"This is the moment when the European Commission considers it to be done. This means that the spending limits have been adopted and we will abide by those limits," said the minister.


Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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