Čaputová and Pellegrini call for mutual understanding

Čaputová and Pellegrini call for mutual understanding

President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová and President-elect Peter Pellegrini wanted to send a signal of understanding in the tense situation related to Wednesday's (16 May) attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. Both agreed to condemn any expression of hatred. They plan to invite political leaders to the Presidential Palace to calm the situation.

They called on everyone to be responsible. "Let us step out of the vicious circle of hatred and mutual accusations," said Zuzana Čaputová. To exercise public power in the state, she said, politicians must control their emotions, thoughts, words and deeds.

"If we are to be reconciled as a nation and if such assassinations of democracy are never to be repeated, all must show a huge degree of responsibility. This includes politicians, opinion leaders, social groups and the media," said Peter Pellegrini.

He called on political parties to suspend political campaigning ahead of the upcoming European elections. "Campaigning brings with it confrontation. Further confrontation is the last thing we need in the current situation," he concluded.


Martina Greňová Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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