No deficiencies in running Presidential Office in 2024 audit

No deficiencies in running Presidential Office in 2024 audit

The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic published the results of their audit at  the Presidential Office at the end of the mandate of President Zuzana Čaputová. Two areas appear to be risky, namely the budget approved by the government and subsequently by the Parliament for the proper operation of the Office. In none of the audited years from 2019 to 2023 did the approved budgets cover even the actual planned needs of the Office, despite the fact that it requested an increase in the expenditure limit every year. The second area is the housing of the President in the Slavín residence, which has been unresolved for twenty years. The effective internal control system of the President's Office, in which auditors found no deficiencies, has proved to be an example of good practice for other state institutions.


Martina Greňová Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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