Five scientists received the SR 2023 Scientist of the Year awards

Five scientists received the SR 2023 Scientist of the Year awards

On Tuesday, five scientists received the SR 2023 Scientist of the Year awards in the Moyzes Hall of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Comenius University in Bratislava. In the Scientist of the Year category, Martin Orendáč from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice received the award.

Orendáč received an award for significant scientific contribution in the field of molecular and low-dimensional magnetism, extensive publication activity in prestigious peer-reviewed journals, and for exceptional grant success. "We study the magnetic properties of various substances at low temperatures. The goal is to obtain new knowledge that affects the behavior of these substances and to use them primarily in future technologies," he explained.

The award in the young scientist category went to Ivana Šišoláková, an expert in the field of electrochemistry and electrochemical sensors, from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. According to her, she received the award for her contribution to the development of electrochemical sensors. At the same time, for building significant international cooperation with the private sector.

Alexander Schrek from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava received an award for his significant innovative contribution in the field of formability of combined laser-welded semi-finished products. An expert in research, development and innovation activities in the field of forming technologies became a laureate in the category of innovator of the year.

The technologist of the year award went to Miloš Mičian from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina in Žilina. An expert in the field of research and development of welding process technologies received an award for research and development of technological procedures for welding high-strength steels for practice. "Connecting theory with practice in the applied research that we do is very important. If we did not transfer it somewhere to industry, then science and research would remain somewhere behind the gates and walls of the university. I think that was also probably the reason that you the evaluation committee chose us," he pointed out.

An expert in the field of artificial intelligence Igor Farkaš from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava became a personality of international cooperation. He received the award for significant scientific results in the field of artificial intelligence using artificial neural network models, obtained in cooperation with foreign partners, and for developing an international interdisciplinary master's program in cognitive science.

The twenty-seventh Scientist of the Year event was held under the auspices of the Minister of Education, Research, Development and Youth Tomáš Drucker (Hlas-SD). "I am extremely grateful that we have many individuals among us who have decided to follow the path of discovery and innovation. The work of scientists is like the work of pioneers - they often move in unknown territory, constantly seek new knowledge and push the boundaries of our understanding. Without their courage and determination, we would not be able to progress as a society," noted Drucker and thanked the scientists for their irreplaceable contribution.

The evaluation committee selected laureates from among 48 nominated scientific personalities. The presenters of the award are the Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic, the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Association of Slovak Scientific and Technical Societies. The goal of the event is to professionally and socially highlight the most important personalities of scientific life in Slovakia.


Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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