Granting of money from the Slovak Arts Council will now be decided by the Board of the Fund

Granting of money from the Slovak Arts Council will now be decided by the Board of the Fund
Beneficiaries of Slovak Arts Council grants will be approved solely by the Board of the Fund. Seven of the thirteen members of the Board will be directly assigned by the Minister of Culture. One will be appointed by the Minister based on proposals from mayors of municipalities and regional governors.

The process of appointing the Board will follow the current version of the law. The scope of funding will be broadened to include support for the restoration, modernisation and infrastructural improvement of cultural buildings and for the promotion of traditional folk culture.

Contributions from the state budget to the fund will increase. The state will also allow more of the fund’s revenue to be used in its operations. The share of the State contribution that can be used for priorities identified by the Ministry of Culture will also be increased.

The amendment also declares that the Slovak Arts Council Commission will now have five members. Two members will be elected and dismissed by the Board in a secret ballot. Three members of the Supervisory Board will be appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Culture, one of whom will be appointed based on a proposal of the Minister of Finance.

The amendment is due to take effect on 1 June.

TASR, Aktuality
Ben Pascoe, Kamila Galjuš Photo: TASR

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