Slovakia joins Artemis Accords

Slovakia joins Artemis Accords

Slovakia's request to join the Artemis program for space exploration (Artemis Accords) has been approved by the government. The program, which 39 other countries have joined so far, is an initiative of the United States. The agreements will be signed by the Minister of Education Tomáš Drucker on his official visit to the US.

The goal of the Artemis space programme is to land on the Moon by 2025, and to establish a sustainable presence on the Moon by the end of the decade. As well, it includes the potential for a space mission to Mars. Other EU space agencies, Canada, Japan, and many private companies are also participating in the NASA-led programme.

The European Space Agency, of which the Slovak Republic is an associate member, also participates in the Artemis programme.

TASR, Dennik N

Kamila Galjuš, Photo:

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