Matus Sutaj Estok becomes new leader of Hlas-SD

Matus Sutaj Estok becomes new leader of Hlas-SD

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok became the new leader of the Hlas-SD party, elected by delegates at the party's congress on Saturday to replace  Hlas-SD's founding father and president-elect Peter Pellegrini. The delegates also re-elected ministers Denisa Sakova, Richard Rasi, Erik Tomas and Zuzana Dolinkova as party vice-chairs and elected Education Minister Tomas Drucker as a new vice-chair.

President-elect Peter Pellegrini officially resigned as the chairman at the Saturday congress and his party membership has been suspended, seeing as the Slovak president has to be non-partisan. He recommended Sutaj Estok as the new party chair.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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