Parliament opens final regular session before summer break

Parliament opens final regular session before summer break

Parliament opened its last regular session before the summer break on Tuesday. There are more than 120 points on the agenda of the session, including laws returned to Parliament by President Zuzana Caputova. These include, for example, the vetoed law on the Slovak Arts Council, and the law on extraordinary measures for strategic investments and constructing a trans-European transport network.

MPs are also supposed to deal with changes at public-service broadcaster Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS), which should be renamed Slovak Television and Radio (STVR). The bill, which was approved by the government in late April, is at its second reading in Parliament. The motion does not formally split RTVS, but it does change the rules guiding the creation of the public-broadcaster's bodies and terminates the tenure of incumbent director Lubos Machaj and the RTVS Board members.

Meanwhile, Parliament should definitively decide on an amendment to the law on public procurement. MPs should also start debating the first measures aimed at consolidating public finances next year.


Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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