President wants to visit all neighbouring countries, including Ukraine

President wants to visit all neighbouring countries, including Ukraine

I'm planning to visit all neighbouring countries, including Ukraine, President Peter Pellegrini stated on RTVS's discussion programme 'O 5 minut 12' (Five Minutes to Twelve) on Sunday, reiterating that he'll visit the Czech Republic first. The head of state repeatedly pointed out the importance of Slovakia's membership in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. "One ensures our economic boom, freedom of movement, we have a common currency. ... And Slovakia is too small to be able to defend itself against possible aggression, which is why the NATO gives us a protective umbrella that makes us feel more secure. This is how it must remain in the future from a geopolitical point of view," he noted.

With regard to the domestic political situation, Pellegrini declared that he'll be a non-partisan president and will be able to rise above the interests of the Hlas-SD party he founded.

Source: TASR, RTVS

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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