Current RTVS Director General addresses employees

Current RTVS Director General addresses employees

Current Public broadcaster RTVS General Director Lubos Machaj thanked employees of Slovak Radio in his address held Friday morning. As he informed, the management did its best to explain the impact of the new STVR Act on the institution from the expert point of view. "Their only response was that it's a political decision," said Machaj. He was appointed to his current position 30 June 2022.

At the meeting, the programming director of the Slovak Radio part of the broadcaster, Lubos Cernak, announced his resignation. Cernak was a member of several crisis management teams in the institution. "I will not be a part of any crisis management now," he claimed. As of 1 July, the incumbent general director will be replaced by a statutory representative with limited competencies.


Martina Šimkovičová Greňová, Photo: TASR

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