73 persons applied for asylum in Slovakia as of June 11

73 persons applied for asylum in Slovakia as of June 11

A total of 73 persons, mostly Ukrainians, Afghans and Pakistanis, applied for asylum in Slovakia as of June 11, the Interior Ministry's press department has told TASR on the occasion of the World Refugee Day.

Last year Slovakia registered 416 asylum seekers, mostly Turks, Bangladeshis and Afghans. As of May 5, over 143 thousand Ukrainian nationals applied for temporary refuge status, while more than 23 thousand temporary asylums ceased to exist.

The Interior Ministry's Migration Office took part in the events held to mark the World Refugee Day on Saturday (June 22) by joining the Umbrella March in Bratislava.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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