Premier’s first public appearance since attack

 Premier’s first public appearance since attack

Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) made his first public appearance, since the May 15 assassination attempt, at Friday's event at the Devin Castle in Bratislava.
"All of us together must build a great bulwark against senseless progressive and liberal ideologies that spread like cancer. The ideologies that damage this country, “he said. The Prime Minister noted that Slovak society is polarized, and he criticised the so-called liberal media, which, in his view, labeled the public holiday of St. Cyril and Methodius a relic of the past.
"If we will continue to be endangered by ideologies that come into existence overnight, spread like a venom and stand in stark conflict with what we have in the Slovak Constitution, maybe we'll need to seek consensus on the Slovak political scene to modify the Constitution,“ he said.
In Fico's opinion, everyone must take a moment to reflect on what's happening in Slovakia and Europe. He praised Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for visiting Kiev and Moscow and expressed his sorrow not to be fit enough to have joined him.

Martina Šimkovičová Greňová, Photo: TASR

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