Slovakia's weakest EPP representation in history

Slovakia's weakest EPP representation in history

After the June European elections, the Slovak Republic will still have the weakest representation in the largest faction in the European Parliament - the European People's Party (EPP) - since its entry into the EU in 2004. The only MP in the EPP faction will be Miriam Lexmann from the KDH party. In four cycles of Slovak representation in the EP, Slovakia has had the smallest number of representatives in the EPP faction.

An incumbent MP of the EPP Ivan Štefanec claims that fundamental political decisions, even in favor of Slovakia, have always gone through political groups. In this way, it was possible to arrange more vaccines for Slovakia during the corona crisis, to support the designation of nuclear energy as clean energy, and to secure enough money for the recovery plan. Štefanec adds that the presence of only one member of the EPP also means narrowed opportunities to apply for chairmanship of working committees or head of EP delegations.


Patrícia Polakovičová, Photo: TASR

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