Latest hearing implant introduced in Košice

Latest hearing implant introduced in Košice

For the first time in Slovakia, a medical team from the Children's University Hospital (DFN) in Košice successfully implanted a new generation bone conduction system in a six-year-old patient with severe hearing impairment. Called the Cochlear Osia System, the hearing device uses the natural human ability to conduct sound through bone to help patients hear speech even in difficult, noisy situations. It is intended for patients who suffer from conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss or unilateral cochlear deafness.

"The advantage of this system is that the small processor is worn outside the ear, leaving the ear canal free, so patients can avoid the increased risk of ear infections that often happens when wearing hearing aids," DFN said. The approximately one-hour operation on the little girl took place, under general anesthesia, in the area of ​​the temporal bone - behind the ear. The surgery was performed by otolaryngologist and specialist in cochlear implants Jiří Skřivan from Prague. The operating team was led by Lucia Boldižárová, head of the ENT department.

Source: TASR 

Jeremy Hill; photo: TASR

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