Seventy-three percent of Slovakia unsuitable for wind farms

Seventy-three percent of Slovakia unsuitable for wind farms

According to the Ornithological Society of Slovakia, over seventy-three percent of land in Slovakia is unsuitable for the construction of wind farms due to the threat they pose to birds and bats. A newly released sensitivity map identifies areas where the construction of wind farms may pose significant risks and impacts to nesting, migrating and wintering birds. "The creation of a sensitivity map is intended to guide developers where to build wind energy projects in Slovakia so that their negative impact on biodiversity is minimized," said the lead author, Adriana Hološková.

According to Hološková, mapping the sensitivity of the territory is an important tool in the approach of the European Union to the development of wind energy. She concluded that by identifying ecologically sensitive areas, guiding site selection, supporting strategic environmental assessments, facilitating public participation and streamlining permitting processes, it also helps to ensure that the expansion of wind energy is carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. In this context, the organization pointed out that Slovakia has long lagged behind other countries in the development of the use of wind as a source of renewable energy. According to her, wind farms have a demonstrable negative impact on some aspects of the environment. "Slovakia now has the opportunity to learn from mistakes that other countries often only discovered after the implementation of individual projects," she added.

Source: TASR

Jeremy Hill; photo: TASR

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