President threatens retaliatory measures over oil supplies

President threatens retaliatory measures over oil supplies

Slovakia may take retaliatory measures against Ukraine for its recent decision to halt the transport of Lukoil oil to Slovakia, President Peter Pellegrini said at a joint press conference with Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) on Wednesday. According to the president and minister, Ukraine's decision to end the flow of oil to Slovakia and Hungary undermines good neighbourly relations between the countries.

"I firmly believe that Ukraine will manage to set things right as soon as possible, because Slovakia, as a sovereign country, will eventually have to resort to some retaliatory measures, and this would not be to the benefit of Ukraine, its people, or any of us in the region," said Pellegrini.

According to the president, Slovakia is one of the key suppliers of electricity to Ukraine, and it has always acted as a responsible partner in the provision of supplies. He also pointed to humanitarian aid Slovakia has provided Ukraine in the wake of the Russian invasion, as well as to the donated defense systems.

Source: TASR

Jeremy Hill; photo: TASR

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