SNP theme popular among some Slovak film directors

SNP theme popular among some Slovak film directors

There were no Slovak film directors who shot movies solely about the Slovak National Uprising (SNP), "but the theme of the SNP and other historical events associated with it was evidently popular among some directors," film publicist, critic and historian Eva Vzentekova has told TASR.

She noted that it involved the filmmakers' memories of their childhood or youth in many cases. "They felt a strong nostalgia for a period to which they returned with renewed intensity, with the most famous, Palo Bielik with his legendary two movies, 'Vlcie diery' (Wolf Holes - 1948) and 'Kapitan Dabac' (Captain Dabac - 1959), being a pioneer in this theme," said Vzentekova.
According to Vzentekova, director Stefan Uher made the highest number of feature films about this period - four. "One of our most talented directors, Jozef Rezucha, made three films, all based on historical events with characters who had historical backgrounds," she added.

The film publicist and historian also drew attention to directors such as Stanislav Barabas, Andrej Lettrich, Vladimir Bahna, Martin Tapak and Jan Lacko, who devoted their work as directors to the Uprising more than others. "A next-generation director, Miloslav Luther, shot his last movie concerning the Uprising theme, 'Chodnik cez Dunaj' (Path across the Danube) under the former regime, while he at least partly returns to the events of the Slovak state in two of his post-revolution movies, 'Krok do tmy' (Step into the Dark - 2014) and 'Spiaci ucet' (Sleeping Account - 2024), seeing a connection between this historical stage and the following period," stated Vzentekova.

Vzentekova also highlighted the importance that makers of documentary films dedicated to the anti-fascist theme. "The most consistent of them was Rudolf Urc, whose work continued beyond the fall of the former regime," she said.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: Vlčie diery, csfd archív

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