Planned electricity outages will affect more than 3 thousand households in five districts

Planned electricity outages will affect more than 3 thousand households in five districts

More than 3 thousand households in the Trenčín and Žilina regions will be affected by an electricity outage next week. These are the districts of Ilava, Čadca, Turčianske Teplice, Námestovo and Dolný Kubín. According to Miroslav Gejdoš from Stredoslovenská distribučná, a. s., power outages are inevitable in all cases. "Technically, it is not possible to supply the affected customers from another circuit of the system and the safety of the electricians requires that the lines are de-energised. Scheduled outages coupled with regular maintenance of the distribution network prevent breakdowns, unexpected outages and dangerous situations.”

Source: SITA

Kamila Galjuš, Photo: TASR

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