Prime Minister sees no reason to dismiss Minister Šimkovičová and Minister Susko

Prime Minister sees no reason to dismiss Minister Šimkovičová and Minister Susko

Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) sees no reason to dismiss Culture Minister Martina Šimkovičová (SNS nominee) and Justice Minister Boris Susko (Smer-SD). On Wednesday, he stated his opinion on social media that both ministers have acted and are acting in accordance with the law. Fico pointed out that he respected the different views of the opposition. However, at the Tuesday (13 August) protest called by the opposition parties, they lacked legal and substantive arguments as to why the ministers should be dismissed. He criticized the fact that the chairs of the parties that organized the protest, i.e., Michal Šimečka (Progressive Slovakia) and Branislav Gröhling (SaS), did not speak at the protest. The Prime Minister admitted that protests organised by political parties are a natural part of political work. Nevertheless, he stressed that the streets cannot decide.

Thousands of people protested against the actions of the government cabinet on Tuesday at SNP Square in Bratislava. They criticized the current situation in culture, personnel changes in cultural institutions and expressed concerns about the rule of law.

Source: TASR

Kamila Galjuš, Photo: TASR

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