Survey: 37 percent of people in Slovakia satisfied with their jobs

Survey: 37 percent of people in Slovakia satisfied with their jobs

Some 37 percent of people in Slovakia are satisfied with their work, while frustration is shown mainly by young people under 25 and by craftsmen, according to a survey carried out by a company called Alma Career in April 2024 on a sample of 1,007 respondents aged between 18 and 65.

Good financial remuneration and the possibility of development and career growth are the main factors that make employees happy. People most often quit their jobs due to money.

The survey showed that as many as 63 percent of Slovaks are engaged at work beyond the scope of their duties. The success of the firm that they work for was important for 66 percent of the respondents. Concerning benefits, the most popular among employees are financial contributions, such as those for meals, holidays or life insurance. Extra vacation days or a couple of sick days are also popular. However, financial benefits were in first place for 86 percent of the respondents.

The survey also focused on whether people are able to live on their incomes. As many as 59 percent of employees have a problem living on their current incomes, down 9 percent from the previous quarter.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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