National Crime Agency to be replaced by three successor organisations

National Crime Agency to be replaced by three successor organisations

The National Crime Agency (NAKA) will cease to exist on September 1 and will be replaced by the Office for the Fight against Organised Crime (UBOK), the National Anti-drug Unit and the Anti-terrorist Headquarters, Police Corps President Lubomir Solak has written in the Policia newspaper, published by the Police Trade Union.

"These units will deal with the most serious forms of crime requiring comprehensive investigations. Detection and investigation of the most serious crimes, such as corruption, remains one of the police's priorities," stated Solak.

The Police Corps president stated that the aim of the reorganisation is to create an efficient and effective distribution of police forces. According to him, the changes should help departments struggling with a shortage of police officers.

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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